The Tulalip Tribes is a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.



Enrollment Department


Forms Availability:

All forms are located outside of our office for member’s convenience.

Services Provided:

  • Enrollment
  • Tribal ID
  • Copies of Birth Certificates, SS Cards, Marriage Certificates, other documents in your file.
  • Family Tree
  • Notary - Free
  • Enrollment Verification
  • Spousal ID
  • Tax Exempt Forms

Tribal ID Card Fee Change:
Tribal members are entitled to one free tribal ID card per calendar year (January through December). Additional ID cards will cost $5.00 each. Payments for tribal and spousal ID cards should be made on the first floor at the cashier window.

Spousal ID Card Fee Change:
A new spousal ID card fee is $40 and $20 for renewals. First-time spousal cards require a marriage certificate, a spousal form with the tribal member’s signature, and an ID. For renewals, a signed spousal form and ID are required. Spousal cards are issued only on Thursdays.

Name Changes:
For any name changes for adults or minors, please update your name with the Social Security office first to ensure our records match IRS information. Submit an enrollment change form and a copy of the updated Social Security card.

Address Changes:
Address changes must be submitted by the 18th of each month to ensure updates are made by the 1st of the following month for general welfare payments. All address changes must be in writing and can be submitted in person, faxed to 360-716-0209 (please sign the document), or emailed to Include the last four digits of your Social Security Number, date of birth, and Tribal ID Number. For minors, include the previous address. We will confirm receipt of emailed address changes.

FAQ Requirements and Process

  • Criteria for enrollment – MUST MEET ALL THREE

    • Must be born to a Tulalip Tribal Member, so at the time of the applicant's birth the parent had to have been enrolled with Tulalip.
    • The Tribal member parent had to resided on the Tulalip Reservation for at least 12 continuous months at anytime prior to the birth of the applicant and be able to prove it. Having proof is hard to do some times, so if you are living on the reservation please save any documents that contain your name, address, and a date. It could help with the enrollment of your children.
    • Unless adopted by non-tribal parents, they must apply before they are 25 years of age.

    * Please contact the office to get an application*

    • Complete application with all three notarized signatures, unless a parent is not named on birth certificate.
    • Original Certified Birth Certificate from Vital Statistics.
    • Copy of the Social Security Card.
    • Residency documents of Tulalip parent, to prove at least one year of residency, prior to applicant’s birth.
    • Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree, Legal Name Change Documents – if applicable.
    • DNA - all Tulalip member parents - Any Tulalip mother and or father on the enrollment Application must do DNA. Contact CDACD for an appointment for testing 360-716-4153 or

    ****Supporting documents are not limited to this list, the committee could request other documents if they deem it necessary.

    • The application will be prepared and forwarded the enrollment committee, prior to regular BOD meeting which is the first Saturday of every month.
    • If the application passes the committee it will be forward to the Board of Directors at the next regular Board meeting. If it is not passes and more information is need it will be sent back to staff and they will contact you.
    • The Board will vote on the application and if they approve the application then you are officially an enrolled Tulalip Tribal Member. You will be notified by phone and receive an official welcome letter.
    • Residency can be proven by getting a letter from Tulalip housing.
    • Bills, Letters, Statements, Pay Check Stubs, Leases ect. with your name, address, and date. A current document and then one dated back at least a year.
    • Residency Affidavits – statements that people make regarding your residency. Minimum requirement - 1 from family member and 2 from non or distant family members. We have forms available in the office and they must be notarized. The residency affidavits must have other accompanying residency documents.

    **** The committee can always ask for more documents regarding residency, these are only suggestions on how to prove your residency.

  • All address changes must be done in writing. They can be filled out on our form or just write a letter with the new address but make sure to sign and date it. Only the legal guardian can change the address of a minor. They can be done in person, faxed, mailed or e-mailed.

    If changing the address by email, you must include your name, date of birth, roll number and last 4 digits of your Social Security number. If for your children, we will need the child's date of birth, previous address and parent or guardian's last 4 digits of their Social Security number. You can email to and we will reply once your address is changed.

  • Tribal ID's are available M-F 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM – Closed for lunch 12:00-1:00. The first ID for the year is free and after that they cost $5.00 each. Only the legal guardian can pick up an ID for a minor.

  • There is a form that can be filled out and turned into our office.

  • Spousal ID's are available on THURSDAY ONLY. There is a form that needs to filled out by the spouse and tribal member. The first one is $40 and it is good for one year from the issued date, to renew the ID the form must be filled out again and it is $20. The cards are only good for membership to the YMCA, tax exemption on the Tulalip reservation, free garbage disposal at Shelco and Tulalip employment hiring preference # 2.

  • In order to change the C/O on a minors check and profile, you will need to have a court document stating who has custody. If you are in the middle of the court proceedings, you can bring in the petition and the check will be held until the court determines who has custody.

Enrollment Team

Tulalip whale
Tulalip whale

Contact Us

Main Number: 360-716-4300
Fax Number: 360-716-0209

Please submit your comments, suggestions or questions to Enrollment by filling in the form below:

All items with '*' = required
Please complete the captcha in order to proceed.


6406 Marine Dr
Tulalip, WA 98271
(Driving Directions)
