The Tulalip Tribes are a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.

Grants And Self Governance


The Grants and Self-Governance Department staff submits grants to a wide variety of federal and state agencies and private foundations to secure funding for a broad array of community programs.

The following community needs were represented in grant submissions:

  • Environmental Protection and Restoration
  • Violence Against Women
  • Suicide Prevention
  • Diabetes
  • Domestic and Family Violence
  • Employment and Training
  • Fossil Fuel Alternatives - Solar Power
  • Education
  • Emergency Preparedness
  • Child Care and Development
  • Elder Health and Wellness
  • Tribal Jurisdiction Issues
  • Community Safety
  • Tribal Court System Enhancements
  • Mold Prevention and Remediation
  • Oil Spill Response

To contact this department, please use the information at the right.


6406 Marine Drive
Tulalip WA 98271
