The Tulalip Tribes is a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.
The Tulalip Tribes Media and Marketing Department is the conduit for communication, information, entertainment, and history; to preserve, strengthen, and empower our community. Storytelling is a way of life in Native America, and being a witness is a revered responsibility. We strive to fulfill both roles in our work for Tulalip. Tulalip Media and Marketing combines journalism and messaging to spotlight Tulalip’s values, endeavors, and culture while educating audiences about what it means to be a sovereign nation in a country that once tried to eradicate us and sometimes feels like it still is.
Our primary focus is Tulalip’s people. We uplift the struggles and triumphs of our citizens. We remind them that despite our traumas and challenges, we are resilient and innovative. We seek to elevate our cultural and political identity as a treaty tribe of Washington.
We explain and inform when we speak with external audiences. We define Tulalip’s trust relationship with the Federal Government. We describe treaties and explore why they are still relevant. We establish how our rights are reserved by people and recognized in the treaty. Our rights are not provided to us by the United States. We show how we still walk our values and build the future of our people and our neighbors.
At Tulalip Media and Marketing, we connect people.
The Tulalip syəcəb is the weekly newspaper of the Tulalip Tribes. Our mission is to connect tribal members and the Tulalip community to news, information and entertainment that improves their lives. Deadline for submission is Monday with publication that Saturday.
TulalipTV is both an in-house production team, as well as a 24/7 cable station, and online component ( Tulalip TV is available to Salish Networks subscribers locally and available worldwide on Our production arm creates original programming, both news and magazine style. The station airs both original, local, and purchased content of interest to our viewers.
Tulalip Marketing is guided by usability and branding. We fuel Tulalip’s growth through purpose driven branding, design, and marketing.
Using these channels we connect with our tribal member audience:
NorthWest Indian News is a program that tells stories and shares information about topics important to tribal communities and our neighbors throughout northwest America. Launched in 2003, NWIN gives Native Americans an opportunity to report our stories, celebrate our successes and initiate conversations among our tribes, friends and neighbors.