The Tulalip Tribes are a federally recognized tribe
and successors in interest to the Snohomish,
Snoqualmie, Skykomish, and other allied tribes and
bands that signed the 1855 Treaty of Point Elliott.


Tulalip Data Services
About Us
Contact Us

Help Desk
Marketing and Information Services
Print Center
Software Development

Software Development Projects


Networking Projects

Tulalip Data Services New 30,000 sq. ft. Building

A new building will consolidate Tribal technologies into one safe, secure location. Some highlights of the project include planning of the:

  • Telephony System
  • Security System
  • Internal Network

In-Home Computer Program [Completed 2006]

This program successfully put a new computer in approximately 1300 tribal homes. Some highlights of the project include:

  • 1,300 Computers
  • Contract Negotiations
  • On-Going PC Support

This program is currently completed; no new computers will be issued. We will continue to support computers from this program. Feel free to contact the Helpdesk with any questions regarding this program and/or support of your computer.
